A Michigan priest is causing controversy by using a squirt gun during Easter celebrations. While the Priest was wearing protective gear, pictures of the pictures went viral on the Internet, inspiring a Photoshop war on Reddit. However, it seems the priest was simply trying to continue the Easter rituals during the pandemic despite the safety concerns. Before using the squirt gun to bless parishioners, Father Pelc first spoke with a local hospital to make sure that he wasn’t doing anything dangerous.
Father Tim Pelc
A priest in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, used a water gun to bless Easter baskets. The idea behind the prank was to carry on a tradition of blessing Easter baskets, despite the coronavirus pandemic. A church posted photos of the prank on social media. The photos garnered a lot of attention. One photo showed the priest standing in front of a car with its hatchback open and shooting water at a basket of Easter flowers.
The photos of Father Tim Pelc using the squirt gun drew an online debate. Some commenters were shocked that a priest would be able to use a squirt gun on people. Pelc, who is a Catholic priest, says he had consulted with a doctor about using the water gun. However, he says he is slowly adjusting to his newfound Internet fame. Meanwhile, he is hoping to get back to his parish next week. Detroit churches are planning to resume public mass on Monday.
While many Catholics are embarrassed by the sight of priests spraying parishioners with holy water, many flock to mass regularly to celebrate the Mass. However, the Catholic Church’s Facebook page isn’t ready for that. The parish is looking into installing permanent cameras to record Sunday services. In the meantime, Pelc is trying to adjust to the fame that his ministry has garnered.
Using a squirt gun to spray holy water on parishioners
A priest in Michigan recently made headlines for using a squirt gun to shoot holy water on his parishioners. The photos were posted on social media by St. Ambrose Church in Gross Pointe Park. While the priest was wearing protective gear to protect himself against the coronavirus, photos of him spraying holy water on parishioners showed him donning a mini squirt gun.
The photos of the priest spraying holy water on parishioners have gone viral on social media and inspired a Photoshop battle on Reddit. While the priest intended to keep the social distancing during Holy Week, his action is not only unprofessional, but it’s also highly inappropriate. The photos show the priest holding a small squirt gun, and they have received more than 600,000 likes.

A priest in Detroit has been caught using a squirt gun to bless his parishioners. He says he consulted with his doctor before using the water gun and received the green light. However, his photo has gone viral, with over 500,000 likes and funny comments from netizens. The priest is now trying to stay off social media so he can continue to minister the gospel.
After the outbreak of coronavirus in the US, most Catholic churches stopped using the holy water practice. At the time of the outbreak, over 1.5 million people were infected, making the US the most affected nation in the world. The death toll is nearly two hundred thousand. And despite the widespread media coverage, most parishioners are still reluctant to return to the practice.
Avoiding squirt gun virus
In a photo that has gone viral, Roman Catholic priest Timothy Pelc squirts holy water from a squirt-gun blessing at his parish in Michigan. The photo has gone viral, reaching even the most senior figures in the Roman Catholic Church. It has also inspired memes. Father Pelc had no intention of spreading the virus, but he had a creative idea to bless Easter baskets for his parishioners. He had even consulted with a doctor before the blessing, but the photos made him want to do something different.
The pictures, taken on Easter Sunday, show Father Pelc spraying a church-goer with holy water using a squirt-gun. Though he was wearing protective gear, the pictures have inspired a Photoshop battle on Reddit. Father Pelc says he was shocked by the attention and controversy surrounding his squirt-gun blessings. He was careful to use protective gear and consult a local hospital, but he continued the ritual, and the pictures have gained viral attention.
While most parishioners are aware of the dangers associated with using a squirt-gun for a priest-squirt-gun blessing, some people have never tried it. The images have gone viral on social media, prompting an intense photoshop battle on Reddit and an influx of memes online. While the photos may seem funny, the fact is that they have a high risk of spreading the virus.
Using a squirt gun to bless food
Using a squirt-gun to bless food is not only fun, but also a great way to promote Catholic values. A Catholic priest from Detroit used one to bless Easter baskets. The squirt-gun-wielding priest wore an N95 mask, plastic face shield and disposable gloves to avoid the spray’s potential for harm. He also made sure to protect his hands with gloves and protective eyewear.

Father Tim Pelc, a priest at St. Ambrose Parish in Detroit, blessed Easter baskets with holy water using a squirt gun during an otherwise distant service. Parishioner Larry Peplin took a video of the action and shared it on Facebook. Father Pelc is a priest with the parish for 30 years, and he says he has a “pretty wacky mind”.
The parishioners of St. Ambrose Parish in Detroit have taken to using squirt guns to bless the Easter baskets. In fact, Pelc’s method keeps him at a social distance from parishioners driving up to his church. The priest’s method of blessing food is a popular Christian tradition, but it does have its drawbacks. In the past, the priest would use a hand-held water gun to bless Easter baskets. However, today, it is considered sacrilegious.
Using a squirt gun to bless cars
While a Detroit priest was out blessing churchgoers during the novel coronavirus pandemic, he used a squirt gun to sprinkle holy water on cars. Father Tim Pelc told reporters that he had first talked to a friend who was a doctor to make sure that his actions would not cause any harm. Then he waited patiently in the church parking lot for churchgoers to drive by and spritz them with holy water.
One church in Detroit, St. Ambrose Parish, has been doing similar things for years. After a socially disenfranchised priest blessed 200 cars at an Easter drive-in in Detroit, he has used a squirt gun to bless them. This method has garnered a lot of attention, and even a few memes have emerged. The pictures have garnered thousands of Facebook likes and comments and have also been shared widely on social media.
The Detroit priest has also gotten a lot of attention for using a squirt gun to spray holy water onto cars and churchgoers. His photos of this event have been shared across social media, and have made the Detroit community laugh. The pictures of the priest’s actions have even inspired internet memes. The pictures have been shared by members of the parish’s Facebook page.
Using a squirt gun to bless Easter baskets
Using a squirt pistol to bless Easter baskets is a popular tradition. A priest in Michigan has been blessing Easter baskets and eggs for years. But last year, a squirt gun turned a traditional Easter ceremony into a controversial one. Father Tim Pelc, pastor of St. Ambrose Church, sprayed his audience with holy water from a squirt gun. Before getting into the action, he checked with a physician friend who was also a priest.
He said that he first checked with a doctor before trying this new method. He also explained that he wanted to be able to bless Easter baskets and eggs without risking a possible infection from coronavirus. His innovative solution has made him the subject of several memes. Since his stunt went viral, he’s been receiving countless comments on Facebook and Twitter.
Father Pelc’s pictures have gone viral, and the photos have been edited into memes. While the images of the priest have been widely shared on social media, they’ve also sparked a photoshop battle on Reddit. The priest’s hilarious photos have been the subject of many memes. However, some people think it’s just a harmless way to bless Easter baskets.