The Dude It’s Rude campaign has done its job and made a septa guy’s bail set at 10% of his $180,000 bail. It’s still unclear why the septa guy has not been charged with another crime. As of Tuesday, CNN is still unable to reach the suspect or his family for comment. However, Bernhardt praised the victim for speaking out and allowing the case to go to court. Bernhardt spoke to CNN affiliate WPVI about the case and praised the victim for coming forward.
smooching on trains
You might think smooching on trains is not the norm, but it is not uncommon. During rush hour, you can often find two people smooching on SEPTA trains. In fact, some people even smooch out of Tupperware, while others use a silver fork. You can also find people jokingly throwing shade at the bike guy on the train or discussing an empty laundry basket.
Apparently, a man on SEPTA trains is doing it. Recently, a woman was raped on a train. The incident happened on Sept. 5 near the Upper Darby station. SEPTA transit police pulled the man off the woman, who denied initiating the sexual encounter. The victim also denied giving consent to the encounter, according to the affidavit of probable cause.
Police in Upper Darby Township are investigating the alleged assault. According to the police report, the incident occurred on SEPTA’s Market-Frankford line last Wednesday night. The suspect was caught by a SEPTA employee, but others on the train did not call police. The victim was treated at Delaware County Memorial Hospital, while the suspect was taken to the Upper Darby Police Headquarters where he was interviewed.

Dude It’s Rude campaign
SEPTA has rolled out a new passenger etiquette campaign to address rude behavior. Dubbed the “Dude It’s Rude” campaign, the initiative will be implemented across SEPTA buses, trains, and subway stations. The campaign, which has already been running on public timetables for over a year, will expand to posters, decals, and digital messaging.
The “Dude It’s Rude” campaign will focus on ad campaigns that address unacceptable behaviors on public transit. The campaign will feature ads on buses, trolleys, and schedule timetables, including a “Dude It’s Rude…” tagline. The goal is to make public transportation safer for all passengers, which includes the most obnoxious and rude individuals. The campaign will feature ads that address these issues, and will also alert the public to confirmed cases of manspreading.
Bail set at 10% of $180,000 for septa guy
A man accused of raping a woman in Philadelphia’s Suburban Station has been jailed on a 10% bail. He’s being held at the Delaware County jail while awaiting a preliminary hearing on the charge. While he’s yet to comment to CNN, police have released surveillance video of the attack. The suspect, identified as Ngoy, is being held on $180,000 bail. A statement from SEPTA called the attack a “horrible crime.” SEPTA urged people to call 911 if they see anything.
During the alleged rape, the suspect told police he was not sure of the victim’s identity. He told police that it was consensual and that the victim did not know him. The alleged assault occurred at the practice terminal of SEPTA on Tuesday night, after Ngoy allegedly harassed the victim for 30 minutes before sexually assaulting her. The victim, who was wearing a hoodie and a red shirt, told police the rape occurred at the train station, after the person had drank a beer after work.

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Transit Police Chief reviewed the surveillance video to find a pattern that might have led to the rape. Some of the people in the video were seen holding cellphones up to their ear, which may have been a 911 call, or recording or taking pictures. Earlier in 2015, Ngoy was arrested several times and was convicted of two misdemeanor charges. In 2017, he pleaded guilty to a sex-related charge in Washington, DC. He was then placed in immigration detention in January 2018.
The woman tried to push Ngoy away several times during the 40-minute ride, and the police officer boarded the train and arrested him. Ngoy was held on the train car while his trial was ongoing. A 10% of $180,000 bail was set for him. His attorney has not been identified. The Delaware County district attorney has rejected Ngoy’s story of passive witnesses. Ultimately, he remains in jail on a $180,000 bail.
A man accused of rape on SEPTA’s Market-Frankford Line was arrested after an employee called 911 about the incident. The incident was witnessed by several other passengers but no one intervened. A train employee called 911, and a SEPTA Transit police officer was immediately boarded and arrested the suspect. The police officer has since lowered the bail to 10% of $180,000.
The SEPTA employee who reported the incident says other people on the train witnessed the assault and held their cellphones in the direction of the man. He said there was no 911 call made in Philadelphia, but there was only one call made by a SEPTA employee on an off-duty train. The police officer found the suspect and took him into custody. The officer did not know what to expect from the suspect, but he is reportedly in a stable mental state.