When it comes to the Nike Up Temple, the design is one of the most striking, if not the most original, in the entire world. The temple’s primeval power is rooted in Greek mythology. The god of victory, Nike, was the son of Styx and Pallas, goddesses of hatred and the underworld. Nike helped Zeus defeat the Titans and establish the order of the Twelve Olympian Gods in Greece. Because of his heroic feats, Zeus was allowed to place Nike among the gods on Mount Olympus.
Athena Apteros
The temple of Nike Apteros, also known as the Temple of Wingless Victory, stands on a bastion in the southwest corner of the Acropolis. The temple was built by the architect Kallikrates in the 5th century BC, but there was a smaller temple located here before. However, it was destroyed during the Persian wars. The temple has been rebuilt several times and today stands as a symbol of the Athenian spirit.
The Acropolis is the perfect setting for a temple to commemorate the goddess Nike. Its architecture represents noble austerity and ethereal beauty. The temple was not destroyed by the Venetians, but was damaged extensively over the years. In 1687, the Turks destroyed it, and they used the material to build fortifications for their city. In the early nineteenth century, a restoration was undertaken by Ross, Schaubert, and Hansen. However, the reconstruction was not entirely accurate.
The Temple of Nike is located in the southwest corner of the Acropolis. It was built on a plan devised by the architect Kallikrates, and was the successor of earlier temples dedicated to the goddess. The word ‘Nike Apteros’ comes from the Greek acros, meaning ‘wingless victory’. It is considered one of the smallest temples on the Acropolis and is one of the oldest.
Nike Parapet frieze
The Nike Up Temple has a unique frieze. The sculptures on this frieze depict the goddess Nike in different activities. The figures on the frieze depict Nike in procession and erecting trophies. The frieze has fragments of the original frieze. Today, the frieze is in a very poor state and is not well preserved. Its most striking aspect is the wing that is on the back of one of the Nikes.
The temple was constructed around 420 BCE. It was decorated with friezes of goddesses and the victories of Greeks over the Persians and other Greeks. The temple was open to the public. The frieze hung from the Nike Parapet, which was named after the goddess’ frieze, Nikai. The frieze depicted the goddess in different roles and was interpreted as a celebration of victory.
There are also other Nike reliefs that depict the goddess in everyday gestures. One of the most famous and most popular is Nike Adjusting Her Sandal, which depicts the goddess adjusting her sandal as she enters the sacred precinct. The goddess appears elegant in simplicity, yet it is easy to see why this sculpture is a popular piece. If you’re in Athens, be sure to visit the Nike Up Temple Museum and see it for yourself.

Women sacrificing to Apteros Nike
In the ancient world, Athena was worshipped as a goddess with wings. The Athenians called her Athena Ergane, the Protectress of the Arts, and sacrificed to her in order to gain favor. In this way, the temple was dedicated to the goddess. It is possible that this temple has been destroyed or is in ruins. Regardless of whether it is a ruined temple or a restored one, it is fascinating to observe the evolution of human religions.
The Temple of Athena Nike is a four-column Ionic structure located on the Acropolis of Athens. The temple was built on a fortress on the southwestern edge of the Acropolis. It has wide columns and a colonnaded portico on its front and rear facades. The Temple of Athena Nike was designed by Kallikrates and was approximately eight metres long, 5.5 metres wide, and seven metres tall.
The goddess Nike was a very popular god in ancient Athens. She is depicted in Greek art as a winged goddess who bestows victory in a particular field. Her association with war and handicraft is also evident. She is often shown with a lance and shield and even a laurel wreath. She was also related to Athena and ruled the fields of art, music, and athletics.
The Athenian Temple of Athena Nike is a four-column Ionic structure with a colonnaded portico on the front and rear facades. Designed by Kallikrates, it was about eight metres long, 5.5 metres wide, and seven meters high. Its columns were roughly the same size as those on nearby buildings, but its proportions differ slightly from those of nearby Ionic buildings. The columns of the Nike Up Temple are also different in size from those of other buildings in the city, which means that they may be intended to harmonize with nearby structures, or to contrast with those of the Acropolis Gates.
The structure’s exterior was covered with relief slabs that stood up to ten metres high. The winged Nike adorned each of these slabs, with each one depicting a different scene. Similarly, the interior walls of the Nike Up Temple were covered with a frieze of 14 blocks. The southern and western friezes depict Olympian gods, while the interior walls have scenes of history. The columns of the Nike Up Temple were constructed of solid stone and were topped with bronze pillars.
No columns on sides of cella
The Parthenon cella was once home to a statue of Athena. The statue was completed before the rest of the temple was finished, and was left in place until the 5th century. It was then removed to Constantinople and eventually disappeared. The cella was entered through a 10-meter door in the eastern portico. It was also where the treasury of the Delian League was housed. The ceiling was supported by four Ionic columns.
The sides and back of the Athena cella were covered by two-story colonnades. The Greeks used this method to achieve a balance of proportions between the sides and back. They also used a double-story interior colonnade. These columns were not unique and were used to support the roof structure. They were also found on the sides of the cella. This construction typified the earliest style of Greek temple architecture.

The cella was the central hall of the temple. It was surrounded by the pronaos, a small anteroom in front, and a treasury or chamber behind the cella. Inside the cella, there were two rows of columns supporting the roof. These columns were connected by spurs to the side walls, and they were asymmetrical. The columns were originally wooden, and gradually replaced by stone ones. In the second century c.e., one wooden column was found.
Wet drapery
The smallest temple of the Acropolis is the Nike Up Temple, dedicated to the goddess of victory. Here the ancient Athenians would pray for victory over the Spartans in the Peloponnesian War. The temple is renowned for its parapet friezes, including the wet drapery depicting Nike adjusting her sandal. The original drapery is on display in the Acropolis Museum. The friezes depict a variety of scenes from Greek and ancient history, including the Peloponnesian Wars.
The drapery depicted on Nike’s sandal scene is in the new High Classical style, a form that allows for the representation of a woman’s body while preserving the modesty of the figure. The new style is a common occurrence among artists who seek out unexplored ways to use the human body as a medium and an expression of their talent. Its simplicity and versatility are evident in its underlying structure.
Wet drapery makes the figure appear to move. The effect is even more convincing when the drapery follows a double curve, as in the case of the Nike of Paionios. The Nike’s drapery appears to be moving quickly, and the Iris of the Parthenon also displays movement. This style of drapery reflects how women were once perceived. However, it is not just for the Nike Up Temple.
Date of construction
The construction of Nike Up Temple dates back to the 4th century BC. It was built as a bastion, with a six-metre high stone platform. In the Bronze Age, this was called a pyrgos. The bastion had a door in the south wing that was opened toward the temple, and a passageway leading to the north. The temple was destroyed by the Romans in the fifth century BC, but the ruins remain today.
The Greeks worshipped the goddess Nike during the Bronze Age, and it was common to find her portrayed wearing wings. Her name is Athena Apteros, and she is associated with war, handicraft, and wisdom. She is often seen wearing a lance, body armor, and a shield. In addition to her religious role, Nike was associated with athletics, art, and music. The temple was probably used by the gods to promote these pursuits.
The ruins of the Nike temple were found under a Mycenaean bastion, and two earlier shrines had existed on the site. The architect, Kallikrates, seems to have been the architect behind the structure, though the date of construction is still debated. By 423 BC, the sanctuary was in use and the cult had fully developed. Its name was changed to Athena Nike.