OTTNO meaning, full form: On To The Next One. The meaning of the acronym OTTNO varies according to its usage. The table below lists 1 different meaning of OTTNO. These meanings are compiled from the OTTNO abbreviations. You can find one that suits your needs. If you are wondering what the full form of OTTNO means, you can find its meaning in the table below.

OTTNO was a popular hashtag for people seeking to advance their lives in some positive way
The OTTNO hashtag was created in 2009 by Jay-Z in reference to his album The Blueprint 3, which featured a song called On to the Next One. As a result, the phrase was shortened to OTTNO and became a popular trend on social media. The phrase was popular in the 2010s and again in 2017-18, when Philadelphia 76ers point guard Ben Simmons made it a part of his daily tweets.

It became an abbreviation
If you have ever heard of a term, you probably know how it became an abbreviation. Abbreviations are short versions of words and phrases. They can be used safely in writing. Dr Kinsey is an example of an abbreviation for doctor. IQ stands for intelligence quotient. FM radio stands for frequency modulation. In fact, abbreviations are often more familiar than the full form of a word.
It was sued by Barati
A recent Florida court case reveals how the state’s Attorney General was wrong to dismiss a lawsuit brought by a former employee. Pam Bondi declined to intervene in the case and dismissed Barati’s lawsuit in February. The 1st District Court of Appeal, however, ruled that the Attorney General was within her rights to dismiss Barati’s claim. Judge Bradford Thomas wrote the opinion in favor of the plaintiffs.
The suit was filed in September 2009 by former employee of Motorola Solutions, Inc., who complained to the Florida Attorney General Pamela Jo Bondi about the company’s failure to deliver the promised fingerprint system. The company had contracted with the Department of Law Enforcement to create a fingerprint identification system, but failed to deliver a working system. However, the state paid Motorola for the system, and later contracted another vendor. Ultimately, the case settled and Barati is seeking to recover some of his money.